Interviewdatum: 14. Juli 2006.

Im Alter von zwei Jahren fing er an zu singen. 1999 machte er an der Berklee Hochschule (USA) seinen Abschluss in Musik.

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MATT: Bitte duzen sie mich.
OBZ: Schreibst du deine Songs selber? Und schreibst du über dein Leben?
MATT: I write all of my songs...."comfortable" is an old John Mayer song that holds a lot of meaning to me. I love to collaborate with other talented musicians but for the most part, i love to translate whats in my head on to a CD, so I write most of it, arrange, produce and play a lot of it.

OBZ: Wie entstehen deine Songs?
MATT: I pay a lot attention to detail. Detail in life, love, objects, situations and experiences. I feel I could literally create a concept about anything and write a song based on that concept! For the most part I write the music first and then the lyrics hit me depending on the songs feel. Other times ive written lyrics first and molded them into melody and built chords around it. Regardless of the type of song or lyrics I am singing, I always am very passionate about every note and every word!

OBZ: Deine Songs hören sich ein wenig nach Freiheit, von der Liebe und von ganz großen Gefühlen an. Sehen sie das auch so?
MATT: Yes.....I love to write songs about love and feelings, I put much feeling, emotion and passion into every note and word that is played and sung. When I listen back to the final product of each song i definately remember why i wrote the song and what it means to me.

OBZ: Mit welchen Personen würdest du gerne mal Musik machen?
MATT: It would be a dream to work with such artists as Stevie Wonder, Take 6, Djavan, Harry Connick Jr. As far as artists i've already worked with and enjoyed very much, i've worked with James Taylor (which was a dream come true), Brian McKnight, Norah Jones, John Mayer.

OBZ: Was ist das wichtigste für dich im Leben (Family, Friends, Music)?
MATT: Family and friends definately takes first place with me in my life! I have an immense passion for everyone I love and I often express that love thru music!

OBZ: Warst du schon einmal in Deutschland?
MATT: I have never been to Germany, but I really hope to visit and share my music with you all someday.

OBZ: Würdest du denn gerne mal ein Projekt in Deutschland machen?
MATT: I love collaborating with all different musicians and styles of music! I would be very happy to work with musicians everywhere

OBZ: Hast du ein Traumprojekt (Music, Filmmusik)?
MATT: I have many dream projects, some of them are after a few of my albums come out, I would love to do a Matt and Friends CD which will include me writing and playing with some of my favorite artists, i look forward to making a Xmas album. I would love someday to arrange and compose and direct some pieces for a large symphony orchestra as well!

OBZ: Was möchtest du deinen Fans sagen?
MATT: There are so many things I could say to my fans. I wish I could get to know each and everyone of them personally. But for now, I would say thank you for listening, thank you for supporting, I only hope I can continue to inspire people and that my music can fit somewhere in their soundtrack to their life!

© Matt Cusson.
© Dewey Darko.