Interviewdatum: 03. Dezember 2012.
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Reden wir über den Film „eCUPID“.
OBZ: Gerade ist in Deutschland der Film “eCUPID“ auf DVD erschienen. Können sie uns was zum Film und zu ihrer Figur erzählen?
RHINES: eCUPID is a romantic fantasy. It asks the question; if you were in a relationship rut and someone else caught your eye, what would
you do? My character Marshall is a good guy faced with the problem of love. Stay in a comfortable, stable relationship or be tempted by an exciting, sexually charged affair. His guardian angel
(played by Morgan Fairchild) steps in to guide him along his path. One of the really cool things about eCUPID is the use of todays technology. "Cupids" come to the rescue using computers, apps
and all kinds of high tech devices.
OBZ: Wie sind sie an die Rolle in „eCUPID“ gekommen?
RHINES: JC (the director) auditioned my for his earlier film, IS IT JUST ME? He felt I wasnt right for the role of Xander, but as he tells
the story, he wrote eCUPID for me. Once the script was done and he was ready to cast, he couldnt find my contact information. Fortunately for a mutual friend on Facebook, he was able to get in
touch with me. Once we connected, he sent the script to me. I read it, loved it and couldnt wait to come on board.
OBZ: Wollten sie ursprünglich eine andere Rolle im Film spielen und wie haben sie sich auf die Rolle vorbereitet?
RHINES: I didnt really consider another role since this one was written for me. I think what makes the role of Marshall so powerful is that
you really relate to the connection between Marshall and Gabe. Marshall and Gabe are two characters that are in a situation that is so familiar to many of us. Their universal problems translate
to something we all can understand. JC is known for his casting. He spends a lot of time matching people together to get the perfect chemistry between characters. I think that proof of that is
that when Noah (Gabe) and I met, we instantly hit it off and have remained close ever since.
OBZ: Wie war die Zusammenarbeit mit den anderen Darstellern?
RHINES: Fantastic. What an amazing cast! Everyone instantly got along and knew exactly what to do. It was really quite incredible how we
all got along. I think all the guys are terrific actors, not to mention, pretty great looking.
OBZ: Wie war die Zusammenarbeit mit dem Regisseur?
RHINES: JC is a very supportive director. Hes an actors director. He doesnt get in your way when you make creative choices for the
character, and will be right there to help you when its needed.
OBZ: Wie waren die Reaktionen auf den Film?
RHINES: People seem to really love the movie and the universal message it has. Ive been on the festival tour with the movie for a year now.
eCupid continually sells out screenings and has won a bunch of audience choice awards and best picture awards. Fans come up to me all the time and tell me how much they enjoyed the movie. My
favorite fan compliment was in Toronto when a man said to me: "I cant wait to show my wife this film" That speaks volumes to me. Its a story everyone can get behind, gay or straight.
OBZ: Wird es seine Fortsetzung von “eCUPID” geben? Wären Sie wieder dabei?
RHINES: I hope so! I would be thrilled and flattered if JC asked me to come back and do it again!
Reden wir über Sie.
OBZ: Wollten sie schon immer Schauspieler werden? Oder sind sie nur zufällig dazu gekommen? Und wie sind sie dazu gekommen?
RHINES: I actually accidentally got into acting. I was asked to be in a short film from my neighbor in college. From there I was hooked. I
wanted to know what this thing called acting was and how can I learn more.
OBZ: Was war das peinlichste was Ihnen im Leben passiert ist?
RHINES: I cant really go into it in detail, but I can tell you, it was a night in Tijuana, and involved a bottle of tequila, a 67 cadillac,
a karaoke machine and several chickens. At least I hope they were chickens.
OBZ: Was war Ihr schönstes Erlebnis mit einem Fan? Oder mit einigen Fans?
RHINES: The love I get from messages, tweets and all the kind things that fans have to say about me and the movie on a daily basis through
twitter @HoustonRhines is amazing
OBZ: Was würden sie in Ihrem Leben niemals machen?
RHINES: I would never let anyone be cruel to another person. I hate bullies and people are are mean to others. If I see anyone mistreating
someone weaker, less fortunate or incapable of defending themselves, Id step in.
OBZ: Würden sie auch in einer deutschen Filmproduktion mitspielen?
RHINES: Absolutely! Whos going to teach me German?!!
OBZ: Waren sie schon mal in Deutschland?
RHINES: Unfortunately, No
OBZ: Mit wem würden sie gerne mal zusammen arbeiten?
RHINES: David Hasselhoff, I think wed make a great on screen duo.
OBZ: Sie haben jetzt die Möglichkeit Ihren Fans, Ihren Freunden, Ihrer Familie und allen anderen etwas mitzuteilen. Was möchten sie
RHINES: Thank you for always believing in my dream and letting me go after it.
OBZ: Was können wir von Ihnen in Zukunft erwarten?
RHINES: More movies, hopefully TV and possibly a web-series. Im in talks with a few projects that are super exciting. If anyone would like
to keep up with me, you could find me on @HoustonRhines on twitter!
© Houston Rhines.
© Dewey Darko.