Interviewdatum: 01. Oktober 2008.

David Moretti (auch bekannt unter den Namen Dave Moretti) wurde am 03. September 1980 in Florida geboren. Heute wohnt David Moretti in Los Angeles, Kalifornien der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika und arbeitet dort als Schauspieler und Model.

News, Informationen, Musik, Clips und Pics:

OBZ: Wie sind sie an die Rolle in „Playing with Fire“ und „“ gekommen?
MORETTI: I was offered roles in these films based on my work on THE LAIR. The producers are familiar with my show and wanted me involved in these other projects.

OBZ: Erzählen Sie uns den Kern der Geschichte… (der vom Film).
MORETTI: is the story of a woman trying to avenge the untimely death of her sister by walking a mile in her shoes. She tries to retrace the steps leading up to her death by "becoming" her in a sense. Playing with Fire is about rich kids who are so bored they start entertaining themselves with people. They set out to destroy peoples lives by playing mind games. As you can guess, this game gets out of control sooner than later.

OBZ: MURDER.COM. Wollten sie ursprünglich eine andere Rolle im Film spielen und wie haben sie sich auf die Rolle vorbereitet?
MORETTI: No, the role i had was by far the most fun. I dont want to spoil the surprise for anyone who hasn't seen it, but I basically went to the darkest part of my psyche and played a little game of make-believe with myself. And then I just worked off the the other actors I was with. Alexandra Paul and David Chokachi are amazing.

OBZ: MURDER.COM. Wie war die Zusammenarbeit mit den anderen Darstellern?
MORETTI: Like I was saying. They are such great people. Everyone was so easy to work with and genuinely nice. I would go to Alexandra's room to rehearse the final scene because I wanted it to come out perfectly. She was so warm and friendly and willing to work on it with me. David and I would hang out at the local dive "Sandbar" for our research :)

OBZ: MURDER.COM. Was war für sie der schönste Moment beim Dreh?
MORETTI: Honestly, the location of where we were shooting was amazing. We were on the island of Grand Turk in the Turks and Caicos Islands. The water is the most amazing color blue in the whole world. David, Bart, and I took a little road trip through the island to explore all the sights. There was a beautiful lighthouse by a cliff nestled above a sea of rolling waves... It was intense

OBZ: In der Serie “Dante's Cove" sind sie in zwei Folgen zu sehen. Eine Serie die in Deutschland noch nicht lief. Können sie uns etwas über die Serie und über ihre Figur erzählen?
MORETTI: Im mainly involved with a show called THE LAIR, which is similar to DANTE's COVE. My character's name is Thom and I play a reporter who is out to solve the mystery behind the John Doe murders. My character actually winds up digging too deep and almost falling prey to the murders he is trying to solve. Which unfortunately are being committed by vampires! It's a really fun campy show thats a gay version of BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER.

OBZ: Sie spielen oft einen Homosexuellen, selber sind sie auch homosexuell. Ist ihnen das besonders wichtig? Möchten damit etwas ausdrücken oder kämpfen sie für etwas? Oder bekommen sie keine anderen Rollen?
MORETTI: It is how I started my career and I am open to playing whatever roles are offered to me. Im an actor who wants to work and Im not one who is going to turn down roles based on sexuality. Hopefully through my portrayal of homosexual culture, I can help break stereotypes than have been created.

OBZ: Uns ist aufgefallen, das sie bis jetzt nur in kleinen Independent Filmen zu sehen waren. Halten sie den Independent Film für sehr wichtig? Was bedeutet für sie Independent?
MORETTI: Independent just means a film is not made by a major studio like Warner Brothers or Sony.

OBZ: Mit wem würden sie gerne mal zusammen arbeiten?
MORETTI: Ideally, Anthony Hopkins, Marissa Tomei, and DeNiro. More realistically, as far as younger actors, I love Rachel McAdams and Jake Gyllenhaal.

OBZ: Würden sie auch in einer deutschen Filmproduktion mitspielen?
MORETTI: You got one? Im in! ;)

OBZ: Waren sie schon mal in Deutschland?
MORETTI: No! and i am dying to go. I have only been to Italy and Greece overseas - and that was over 10 years ago. I really need to check out Oktoberfest someday.

OBZ: Sie haben jetzt die Möglichkeit Ihren Fans, Ihren Freunden, Ihrer Familie und allen anderen etwas mitzuteilen (Danke...). Was möchten sie sagen?
MORETTI: I thank them everyday for their love and support. It's very hard to support an actor because of the high risk involved in the profession. But I am very blessed to be one of the fortunate ones who's made it AND had their friends and family behind them the whole way.

OBZ: Was können wir von Ihnen in Zukunft erwarten?
MORETTI: Season 2 of THE LAIR is out right now and we begin shooting season 3 in November. I also have a really fun video blog on and you can also find it on I make a mini video every tuesday and put it on line. Kind of a mini reality show about my life... Other than that I am looking for new projects starting after the new year. I really don't have any time to work on anything new until then.

© David Moretti.
© Dewey Darko.