Interviewdatum: 24. Dezember 2007.
Clayton Watson wurde am 23. März 1977 in Australien geboren. Während des Interview meinte Clayton: I'M 30 NOW!!!!! JUST ABOUT OLD ENOUGH TO BE A SEXY LEADING MAN!
LOL. Clayton wohnt zurzeit in Sydney, Australien und arbeitet dort als Schauspieler.
News, Informationen, Musik, Clips und Pics:
OBZ: Wollten sie schon immer Schauspieler werden? Oder kamen sie nur zufällig dazu? Und wie kamen sie dazu?
CLAYTON: I grew up on a sheep station in rural south australia where we were literally in the outback raising sheep with our
closest neighbour an hours drive away. I began acting on the station playing cowboys and indians and watching american shows like flash gordon and buck rogers on tv, and always wanted to be an
actor from that time on. Then when I was 16 I enrolled in an acting course in queensland and began getting roles straight away. Things just rolled on from there, doing stage shows like west side
story and tv shows until matrix came along!
OBZ: Mit den zwei Filmen “Matrix Reloaded” und “Matrix Revolutions” kam Ihr Durchbruch? Wie sehr haben diese zwei Filme Ihr
Leben verändert?
CLAYTON: It changed dramatically! I was thrust into Hollywood and became an overnight sensation, which for a kid from the
Australian outback , was quite bizarre! But I kept my feet on the ground, found some great managers and agents who I have been working with for six years now, and have slowly gained respect in
the US, the UK, Australia, and hopefully world-wide soon!I still return to the sheep station as much as possible to have quiet time and escape the madness, this gives me a great balance and
structure to my life that keeps me down to earth!
OBZ: Wie war die Zusammenarbeit mit den anderen Schauspielern und der Crew der “Matrix” Filme?
CLAYTON: It was 2 years of working with the biggest and the best actors and crew in the world! A joy ride with what became
the largest, most beautifully talented family in the world - and we still remain so.
OBZ: Erkennen sie die Menschen auf offener Strasse? Was sagen oder fragen diese? Oder führen sie immer noch ein völlig
normales Leben?
CLAYTON: I get recognised alot! Most people are very complimentry and I love to chat about the work that I have done. I love
my fans because they are so passionate about film, like me, thus we get along great. I will always have time for anyone with like mind.
OBZ: Sie leben auch nach den “Matrix” Filmen in Australien. Hatten sie schon mal dran gedacht nach Los Angeles zu
CLAYTON: I was going to move there some years ago, but visa problems ensued and other work around the world became available
to me - I would much rather live anywhere else than LA, and to stay in Australia and work is a dream come true!
OBZ: Im nächsten Jahr (2008) werden zwei neue Filme mit Ihnen erscheinen. "Credo" und "I Wish I Were Stephanie V", natürlich
mit Ihnen in der Hauptrolle. Können sie uns schon mal was über diese zwei Filme verraten? Uns über Ihre Figuren (die sie spielen) sagen?
CLAYTON: Credo is a great English thriller film, where I play an American asshole basically! LOL I get me and four other
students kicked out of our boarding home, and find an old run down derilict building that holds the devil of trickery (Beliel). It's an amazing peice of work dealing with the physical and
pyschological aspects of the mind playing tricks on you. It will be released next year.
Stephanie V I play a greek man who falls in love with an Asian lady, and it's about the families coming to terms with the interacial aspects, and non-conformity. It
will be released next year also. I hope that your readers will see them as I'm very proud of my work in both.
OBZ: Glauben sie das der Independentfilm auch in Australien exzestiert? Und wie unterscheidet er sich von dem amerikanischen
Independentfilm? Ist das Wort „Independent“ in Ihrem Beruf sehr wichtig?
CLAYTON: There's a massive difference, mainly in size of budgets between US and Australian indies. It's an important thing
because it keeps the faith in film making, and goes to show you don't need a blockbuster budget to make brilliant films.
OBZ: Sollte man Ihrer Meinung nach als Schauspieler auch noch anderen Dinge tun (Musik, Regie). Da die Schauspielerei ein
hartes Geschäft ist, und der Verdienst oft sehr niedrig ist. Sehen sie das auch so?
CLAYTON: Yes, very much so. It is important to spread your wings across a wide variety of formats, you never know where your
next paycheck is going to come from.
OBZ: Sie machen auch Musik? Wie kam es dazu? Was für Musik machen sie denn? Sind sie in einer Band? Was macht für sie mehr
Spaß, Musik oder Film?
CLAYTON: I play guitar and sing and love making music, but acting comes first. I have recorded four songs and would one day
love to record an album, so if there is a music producers out there that would like to hear my voice I would be more than happy to send them my music.
OBZ: Mit wem würden sie gerne mal zusammen arbeiten?
CLAYTON: I have many friends world-wide,mostly in the business, and enjoy meeting all people that give me pleasure. I love
meeting women that give me pleasure! LOL
OBZ: Würden sie auch gerne mal bei einem deutschen Projekt mitwirken?
CLAYTON: I almost did a film in Germany and was really looking forward to it, but the investors went bankrupt and the film
fell over! I was sad because I had never been to Germany and have very good German friends here in Australia - my best mate is German here in Australia, and my uncle is German also, they make me
laugh and are very passionate which is why I would love to work in Germany.
OBZ: Dann waren sie noch nie in Deutschland?
CLAYTON: No, maybe soon I can do a film there with some of your brilliant directors and producers, and act with some of your
beautiful actresses!
OBZ: Schreiben sie auch Drehbücher und führen Regie? Oder würden sie es denn gerne mal tun?
CLAYTON: Yes! I have 8 film screenplays, 2 in development, and 4 tv series that I continue to write. I love writing out on
the sheep station and one day hope to direct what I have written....just need the money to do so!
OBZ: Was war der schönste Moment in Ihrem Leben?
CLAYTON: Watching the sun rise in Thailand - magic!
OBZ: Was war das peinlichste was Ihnen in Ihrem Leben passierte?
CLAYTON: When I was filming matrix I had a microphone still on my chest and forgot to turn it off, then went to the toilet
and the whole crew heard me taking a shit! It was embarrissing but really funny also, I think I had eaten some curry for dinner the night before!
OBZ: Was würden sie in Ihrem Leben nie machen?
CLAYTON: No limits!
OBZ: Jetzt haben sie die Möglichkeit allen Ihren Fans, Ihren Freunden und Ihrer Familie etwas mitzuteilen? Was möchten sie
Ihnen sagen?
CLAYTON: I would like to say thank-you for being so supportive and hope that one day I may sit face to face and talk to them
and answer any question they would like to ask. I love the different people that are attracted to my work, it's also a great character study for future roles! I love doing science fiction
convention so I get to meet the fans and talk to them, so if you have any conventions over there that the organisers would be interested in having me for, I would love to come over and stay and
meet as many people as possible. In that case, I can be contacted at 1management in Los Angeles, my managers name is Rob Marsala.
OBZ: Haben sie noch irgendwelche Ziele in Ihrem Beruf? Gibt es noch eine Herausforderung die sie sich stellen
CLAYTON: I have achieved so much, and could gladly die happy tomorrow, but I want to play really really challenging roles,
biopic, dramatic anything that has a great character arc, and I get to play with people that want to challenge themselves also.
OBZ: Was können wir von Ihnen in Zukunft erwarten?
CLAYTON: I am doing a BBC show for England and want to do as many projects possible per year without burning myslef out. I am
a workaholic! I love doing what I love and am so blessed to be able to continue my beautiful life in this career. Every day I am so lucky, and want to share that with as many people as I can by
entertaining them on screen, teaching them about past lives that have wondered through the world, enhance the beauty of life with colouring in a character off the screenplay!
© Clayton Watson.
© Dewey Darko.