Interviewdatum: 2006.
Während des Interviews stellten wir Ihr mehr Fragen als hier aufgeführt sind. Dabei machte sie (wie sie selber sagte) alles ein wenig kompakter. Aus zwölf Fragen wurden sieben. Später hatten wir
zwar etwas den Überblick verloren. Aber das Interview machte uns sehr viel Spaß. Mit so einer wunderbaren Person hatten wir vorher noch nie gesprochen.
News, Informationen, Musik, Clips und Pics:
OBZ: Schreiben sie die Songs selber? Und schreiben sie über Ihr Leben?
BRANDY: Yes I do write all of my own songs on guitar and the lyrics. All of my songs are stories about my life or things I have seen in my
life and my Friends lives.
OBZ: Wie entstehen ihre Songs?
BRANDY: I do have a lot of songbooks that I write in as well as journals. I usually start out by writing a riff on the guitar and singing a
melody over it, then I will add the lyrics form my book or just off the top of my head.
OBZ: Ihre Songs klingen ein wenig nach Freiheit. Sehen sie das auch so?
BRANDY: I was really influenced when I was 18 and I met and hung out with all of the Marley's (except for Bob of course ;) But I hung out
with Stephan, Damian, and Julian Marley when they were on tour and mixing the One Love album back in '98. Reggae has now been a major influence in me and my music. I moved to Hawaii when I was 19
and lived there for a few years. Hawaii CHANGED MY LIFE! ;)
OBZ: Was war bis jetzt ihr größtes Erlebnis in ihrem Leben?
BRANDY: I love the band I have now and they really put that added flair to my music. I don't just consider myself a singer/songwriter but
member of my band and a woman that can go play a show by herself too.
OBZ: Waren sie schon mal in Deutschland?
BRANDY: I have not played Germany yet but I am planning a European tour for either next year or the year after! If I can get enough of a
Fanbase over there to make the trip cheap than I can get over there sooner!
OBZ: Würden sie denn auch mal an einem deutschen Projekt mitwirken?
BRANDY: I would love to work with some German artists. I like to colloborate with a lot of musicians here in the US as well. I would love
to work with Damian Marley or G Love and Special Sauce.
OBZ: Was möchten sie Ihren Fans sagen?
BRANDY: I want to say One Love to my fans and thank you so much for supporting Independent Music!!!!
© Brandy Robinson
© Dewey Dark