Interviewdatum: 13. Juni 2013.

OBZ: Gerade ist in Deutschland der Film “THE GHOSTMAKER“ (Box of Shadows) auf DVD, Blu-ray und Blu-ray 3D (21. Mai 2013) erschienen. Können sie uns was zum Film und zu ihrer Figur erzählen?
EISENBERG: Well, first off, it has been a long time since we shot The Ghostmaker. We shot that film in the Summer of 2009. About 5 months before then, I had broken my neck during a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu training session. Once I recovered, I felt the need to get out of New York & out to Los Angeles. The day I was moving, bags packed & sleeping on a couch, I got a call about auditioning for a guest star spot on this television series Royal Pains. I ended up booking it & flying to LA afterwards. Two weeks later I booked The Ghostmaker, which at the time, was called Box of Shadows. I personally prefer the former title. The shoot was all night shoots. It was like 20 something days of more or less all night shoots. We were drinking energy drinks all night & then I had black curtains on my windows so that I could possibly fall asleep during the day.

OBZ: Wie sind sie an die Rolle in „THE GHOSTMAKER“ (Box of Shadows) gekommen?
EISENBERG: I auditioned for it in a pretty traditional way. A 1st round audition with a casting director who then called me back to meet with Mauro & Ed & Pam (Director & Producers), & then they called me back for a 3rd round to do chemistry reads with potential candidates for the roles of Platt & Sutton & Julie.

OBZ: Wie war die Zusammenarbeit mit den anderen Darstellern? Wie war die Zusammenarbeit mit dem Regisseur Mauro Borrelli?
EISENBERG: Collaboration with the other actors was really positive. In fact, Jared Grey & J Walter Holland are still good friends of mine to this day. Jared & I both live in New York, Jeff is down in New Orleans at the moment. It was a very supportive environment between the actors. Working with Mauro was interesting. He comes from a visual background, so his main focus as a director was always the visual. We would do 12 takes of me walking down a hallway & then 1 take of my most dialogue heavy scene. Hes a really passionate guy who cares a lot about what he does & I m the same way. We had some pretty heated arguments in the middle of shooting, but on the last day of the shoot, exhausted & lacking sleep, we both looked at each other teary-eyed & expressed how we only fought with each other out of mutual respect & understanding that we could both take the blatant honesty.

OBZ: Sie haben auch in der Serie “Gossip Girl“ an der Seite von Blake Lively, Leighton Meester, Penn Badgley und co. mitgespielt. Können sie uns darüber was erzählen? Haben sie was lernen können? Wie war die Zusammenarbeit mit den mit anderen Darstellern?
EISENBERG: Gossip Girl was my first professional gig. It was a very small part. I played a member of a secret society at Yale University who kidnaps some of the main characters from the show. The actors were all super nice. I learn something on every set I m in, every class I take, every audition I have. As an artist, I m kind ve constantly learning. Its part of what I love about what I do. To be honest, its really hard for me to watch my performance in The Ghostmaker because it was my 1st film & its from 4 years ago. I ve gotten so much better & grown so much since then.

OBZ: Wollten sie schon immer Schauspieler werden? Oder sind sie nur zufällig dazu gekommen? Und wie sind sie dazu gekommen?
EISENBERG: I did not want to always be an actor. I didnt have the slightest of interest in it in high school. My senior year at NYU, I was having some pretty intense family issues while living at home & commuting to school. NYU heard about my situation & gave me a dorm room. I was paired with another guy, Gio Perez, who was going through some similar personal things. It turned out that he was an actor. I went to see him in a production of The Bacchae where he played Dionysus & I was blown away. I was nearing graduation & didnt know what I was going to do with my life so I decided to enroll in an acting intensive to try it out. It was everyday, all day, for 6 weeks. I was pretty terrible for the 1st 4, but something clicked about a month in: I had this experience of realizing that all the traumatic stuff I had dealt with in my personal life could be a means of catharsis for other people if I was brave enough to face it head on & express it honestly as an artist. It took all the bad shit in my life & turned it into something positive for other people & consequently, for myself. Not to mention, it was so fun & adventurous & eye opening.

OBZ: Schreiben sie auch Drehbücher und führen selber Regie? Oder würden sie dieses zumindest gerne mal machen?
EISENBERG: I do also write screenplays & direct. I m still getting my bearings & developing my skills in those fields but I would love to write & direct some things professionally.

OBZ: Mit wem würden sie gerne mal zusammen arbeiten?
EISENBERG: Phillip Seymour Hoffman, Daniel Day Lewis, Carey Mulligan, John Malkovich, Martin Scorcese, Paul Thomas Anderson, Julian Shnabel, Ben Zeitlin, Derek Cianfrance, the Duplass bros, Ben Foster, Cate Blanchett, Meryll Streep, Will Ferrell, The Coen Brothers, Woody Harrelson, John Goodman, Wes Anderson, Chrisstian Bale, Denzel Washington… I mean the list is vast & pretty endless. I could probably go on forever. Those are just off the top of my head.

OBZ: Waren sie schon mal in Deutschland? Würden sie auch in einer deutschen Filmproduktion mitspielen?
EISENBERG: I have not been to Germany. I m currently subletting a place from an artist who is doing a show in Berlin. I keep hearing such amazing things. I would love to act in a German movie & also to visit Germany.

OBZ: Was können wir von Ihnen in Zukunft erwarten?
EISENBERG: I wish I could answer that! I have no idea where my career is going or even my life for that matter. I hope that you ll see work from me that respects how complex & awesome people are.

© Aaron Dean Eisenberg.
© Dewey Darko.